눈보라 휘몰아치던 어느 추운 겨울밤 나는 외로워 울고 있었네
길은 많아도 갈길 몰라 방황하던 길 잃은 겨울 나그네
길과 진리와 생명되신 예수님 선한 사마리아인으로 내 마음 말 구유에 찾아 오셨네
캄캄한 바다 망망대해에 떠도는 일엽편주 인생길에 천국길을 환히 밝히는 등댓불이어라
2000여년 전 베들레햄 떡집에 생명의 떡으로 찾아오신 주님 영생의 소망으로 어두운 세상 밝히는 셋별이어라
보배합을 열어 황금과 유향과 몰약을 주님께 바친 동방 박사들
저도 주님께 사랑과 감사와 찬양을 드립니다
제사장, 선지자, 왕으로 오신 주님 그 주님 내 마음에 계시니 나도 왕같은 제사장
기뻐 춤추며 송축하리라 성탄을 축하하며 주님께 영광 돌리세.
Joy of Christmas
At an icy, chilly, dreary Winter night of blizzard, I was sobbing in solitude
When I was a stranger going astray In the wilderness,
Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life Came upon the manger of my heart As a good Samaritan
During the pilgrimage of my life Like a tiny boat drifting at the mercy of the wind Upon the boundless ocean in pitch-black darkness,
My Lord, You are the lighthouse Beaming on me to show hope of eternity About 2000 years ago,
Your incarnation in Bethlehem on earth as bread of life Was fulfilled according to the prophecies of the Bible. You are the Morning Star shining light Upon the people in despair, chaos and void
To give Your good news Magus from the east came to Bethlehem to worship you Bringing gold, frankincense and myrrh
And I worship you as well, singing praises: You are the king, the prophet, and the high priest
My Lord, my Savior! You dwell in my heart, Rain or shine. Now I am a royal priesthood,
I am exalting You on high, dancing and rejoicing To celebrate Your wonderful birthday!
Translated by Soo Y. Kim