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English Essay

Articles 38
Notice English Essay 방을 열며 file
Feb 06, 2023 127
17 A Room Within My Mind 1
Feb 22, 2023 68
                       A Room Within My Mind                                                                    Young Hahn       I don’t know how much time has passed. I am staring at the blinking cursor on the complete whiteness of a comput...  
16 On a Rainy Day - Lena Lee
Feb 06, 2023 69
On a Rainy Day Lena Lee It is autumn and raining outside. California is in the midst of a drought and this rain would help ease the dryness for a while. It reminds me of the song “Red Roses on Wednesday.” Even though it's not...  
15 Getting Along with Two Men/Hyun Sook Lee Senteno file
Feb 18, 2023 70
14 David defeated Golyath 2
Mar 30, 2023 73
                딸 커피숍에서 딸과 외손녀와 함께     David defeated Golyath                                                                                          Soo Yong Kim      I have, at times, faced obstacles in my life and suffered...  
13 Covid 19 Varient Omicron EG.5
Nov 04, 2023 76
    Covid 19 Variant Omicron EG.5                                          By Soo Kim   Like an elusive goblin,  You are a monster in 21 centuries. After everybody got booster shot and  They seemed okay. Out of the blue you appear in mask An...  
12 living day by day 1
Mar 31, 2023 77
 Living day by day I read the book 'Be happy by yourself'. The word happiness is easy to say and write, but it is difficult to feel. As I get older, I think that I should make and feel my own to make life healthy and rewarding. With age, you...  
11 My Adopted Grandson, William / Sook Ja Yu 1
Feb 22, 2023 86
  My Adopted Grandson, William                                                                 Sook Ja Yu                                                                           As if Hyun read my mind, the phone rang. It had been some tim...  
10 Something happened on Taino Beach in the Bahamas file
Apr 14, 2023 109
9 In Remembrance of Dr. Schofield and the Edelweiss Flower file
Apr 11, 2023 116
8 Distracted Drivers/by Hyun Sook Lee Senteno 1 file
Apr 14, 2023 118
7 Broiled Salty Mackerel of Andong
Dec 30, 2023 119
      Broiled Salty Mackerel of Andong                                                                                   By Soo Kim    I attended a centennial festivity celebrating the establishment of Korean Day in America. It took place in...  
6 The Lord of Easter file
Apr 08, 2023 145
5 On the Amtrak Paciific Surf-liner
Apr 28, 2023 150
        On the Amtrak Pacific Surf-liner                                                                 Soo Yong Kim    People enjoy traveling around the world. Sometimes, we go on a trip to countryside as well. Travel, journey or voyage en...  
4 My Heart Leaps Up,
Nov 09, 2023 160
     My heart leaps up                      When I behold a fountain gushing up                                           By Soo Kim When I behold a fountain, I witness the lively dance of salmon, Returning to their birthplace, Leaping over ...  
3 Pocahontas' 'Color of the Wind' theme song video and its essay
Nov 20, 2023 168   Colors of the wind                                                                                                              By Soo Kim                                              ...  
2 I Recall My elder brother
Nov 04, 2023 181
     My late elder brother when he was alive as president, The National Academy of Science, The Rpublic of Korea (대한민국 학술원 원장)          퇴계학 연구원 이사장 이용태 박사의 축시 - 오라버니 희수 기념으로 (살아 생전) 위의 한시를 번역하...  
1 Kimchi Mania
Nov 08, 2023 182
         Kimchi Mania                                    By Soo Kim   You're like the delicious savor of Kimchi, Mouthwatering delight, a flavorful spree. Filled with various seasoned delights from within, Spicy, sour, and sweet—a dandy dude...