뚜르드몽드 | 여행의 새로운 발견


 My heart leaps up

                     When I behold a fountain gushing up

                                          By Soo Kim

When I behold a fountain,

I witness the lively dance of salmon,

Returning to their birthplace,

Leaping over the petite waterfall,

Defying the current's flow.


What an uplifting, steadfast will it display!

An exclamation directed at the azure sky,

Gazing upon the radiant sun!


The splashing waterdrops assail my ears.

What a dazzling display, a rainbow in flight,

Reflecting through the glistening waterdrops!


Exultation and inspiration surge within my heart,

Much like the fountain itself.


An eagle soars majestically in the expansive sky.